Having an excellent executive summary PPT slide is crucial if you are giving a presentation. The overview provides an overview of your company or topic at a glance. A great tactic is to allow your business to speak for itself. There are times, however, when stating the facts is the best course of action. Invest time and effort into writing an executive summary that will make a dramatic impact. Make your executive summary powerslides executive summary slide faster with one of these templates.
Using a professional template can help you quickly create an executive summary slide. This article aims to show you some of the best executive summary slide templates you can download for free and for premium. From Envato Elements and GraphicRiver, you can download the following executive summary powerslides executive summary slide:
1 – Presentation for an Executive (Business)
There is a modern and clean design to the first executive summary template on the list. The executive summary slide is just one of many slides you’ll find available to enhance your presentation.
2 – PowerPoint Template for Executive Summary
Choosing this executive summary template will allow you to make a strong impression with a bold and colorful design. A pixel-perfect illustration is included with the template, along with 120+ slides, five color variations, and four image placeholders.
3 – Real Estate PowerPoint Template with Executive Summary
You can quickly summarize your top real estate property’s best-selling points with the help of this PowerPoint executive summary template. Fifty unique slides are included in this elegant template. Additionally, you’ll find infographic elements, dark and light templates, and placeholders for images.
4 – An overview of a business plan in PowerPoint
Using this Business Plan PowerPoint presentation template will give you a professional appearance. For a top-notch presentation, you’ll also find many other slides.
5 – Strategic Plan
Its modern design makes it easy to use. A PowerPoint presentation with an executive summary can be compiled from hundreds of slides. A widescreen and a standard resolution version are included.